Episode 8: Shenron Appears! The Saiyans Arrive Sooner Than Expected!

After King Kai’s training, he tells Goku he forgot to calculate the time it would take him to travel back on Snake Way. Goku worries that we won’t be able to make it back in time to help his friends on Earth…

King Kai lets Goku use his telepathic powers to reach Master Roshi. Roshi just happens to be on the toilet when Goku reaches him. The magazine is edited and there is a dialogue change right in the first shot of this scene… (Two separate images due to the visual edit)…

The middle part of this scene is cut. I’d say the reason for it being, because the way Roshi is talking, sounds like he could be talking about taking a crap. I guess it’s considered “potty humor”.   😕

Roshi then burst out of the door, yelling to Bulma, Oolong and Puar to get the Dragon Balls! The calendar in the bathroom is edited…

 In the next scene, Gohan and Piccolo are training and Piccolo blast Gohan with his eye lasers. From this point on Gohan, originally had bloody marks on his face but, most of it is edited out…

Roshi summons the Dragon while Bulma, Oolong and Puar look on. Oolong gets scared and grabs Bulma. This was cut. Don’t really know why though, there isn’t anything sexual at all going on here. Maybe it was a time thing.

Oolong tries to destroy the Saiyans via Shenron wish…

Piccolo, seeing the black clouds, knows what’s up…

The Saiyans eventually make it to Earth. Their pods land in a city making for some devastation. One car is flipped over and we see… a pool of blood? OK, for the record I never thought this was blood. I always thought it was gasoline or something. I don’t know man but, the color is darkened…


Meanwhile, Tien and the others can sense the Saiyans arrival…

And that’s it for episode 8!

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