Episode 4: Run in the Afterlife Goku!, The One Million Mile Snake Way!

The first edit in this episode comes as we see Goku’s dead body laying on the ground with his friends around him. As we’d suspect, this scene was edited for blood and that hole… uh, burn mark on Goku’s chest. Krillin get your hand out of Goku’s chest hole!

Soon after, Goku’s body disappears!

As everyone is confused, Piccolo seems to know what’s going on. Strange edit here. It almost seems like the uncut dialogue should be the TV version dialogue and vise versa. Either way though, seems like they didn’t really need to change anything.

Roshi then says… (Yea, I don’t know why they needed to change this either)

Sometime after, Piccolo fly’s off with Gohan…

We eventually come to a scene where we see Goku in Other World. He meets King Yemma and asks him about his brother Raditz.

Somewhere during the conversation with Kami and King Yemma, Kami accidentally insults Yemma by telling Goku that King Kai is much stronger then King Yemma…

Eventually, Goku gets driven to the start of Snake Way by an effeminate Oni. When they get to Snake Way, he warns Goku about falling off…

Back at Piccolo’s training camp…

Piccolo then tells Gohan his Father is dead…

We then see a flashback of what happened in the previous episode, well kinda….

Gohan, being the spoiled kid he is, tells Piccolo he’s not strong, he can’t do it, he’s scared. Piccolo replies…

So then we get to the scene where Piccolo picks up Gohan by the head and chucks him at a mountain. But, I guess you can’t show a 4 year old being picked up by the head. All parts with Piccolo actually holding Gohan by the head or grabbing him is cut out. It’s a bunch of quick cuts. Here is how it plays out on the TV version… That little part where it says 2 seconds where cut out? Yea that’s what you see in the scene, Gohans feet dangling. It’s a little odd, the 2 seconds that are missing are Piccolo putting his hand on Gohan’s head and grabbing it…

And just for comparison sake, here is how it played out on the uncut version…

And that’s the last edit of episode 4!  😀

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