Episode 3: A Life or Death Battle! Goku and Piccolo’s Desperate Attack!

The episode just started and right here, the first lines spoken are edited. I noticed people in real life or actually in North America I should say, never call their brother or sister by that role. It’s usually a Japanese thing that gets translated over. It always sounds so fake to me.

Soon after, Goku says that he’s terrified to which Raditz replies…

Goku, Piccolo and Raditz go at it for a while and at some point Raditz fires a blast at the duo. Goku lands on the floor and some dialogue and blood is edited. I had to make a split screen thing for this since it’s two, two TWO edits in one! (Side note from the future: I’m doing episode 37 now and I gotta say, this two edits in one image thing dosen’t last. If there is a line change and a blood edit later on, I just use one image, the uncut one, and add the word bubbles to that.)

Goku yells to Piccolo “Piccolo are you OK?!”. Piccolo tells Goku he’s fine. Just dandy, I mean his arm just got blown off, but it’s OK it’s just a normal day for Piccolo apparently. Oh and Piccolo’s blood drippings are edited out…

I never understood the blood drops getting edited out but keeping the puddle of blood. I don’t know I’m sure it’s some kind of technical thing.  Oh well, Then Raditz chimes in with…

A few moments later…

After Goku distracts Raditz, Piccolo has charged up enough energy to finally fire his mysterious new attack…

The attack fails and Raditz is now ready to finish off Piccolo. I always thought it was odd what Piccolo does here. He just puts his fist up to his forehead to protect himself. I would have loved to see Raditz go through with this move and Piccolo deflect it with a fist to the forehead…

Goku grabs Raditz’s tail disabling him and stopping his attack on Piccolo. Raditz convinces Goku to let go and finally he does. Raditz punches Goku in the face (not edited), Goku flies back onto the floor and Raditz jumps on top of his chest. The scene where Raditz actually lands on Goku’s chest is cut. We only see him fly towards Goku, then the next scene he’s already standing on top of him.

Piccolo thinks to himself if he should try to hit Raditz with that same attack again… 

Spoiler alert! The baby saves everyone! 
So Gohan flies out of the spaceship he was being held in and flies towards Raditz at super fast speed cracking Raditz armor and crushing his pride. Soon after Raditz slaps Gohan. This was cut.

Raditz starts to walk towards Gohan. Goku realizing what’s about to happen begs Raditz to stop cause he’s just a child. Just a regular, self propelling at torpedo speed child…

Raditz stands over Gohan, about to blast him into baby atoms…

But just then, Goku grabs Raditz and tells Piccolo to fire that attack again!

At this point, Piccolo fires the blast. In this TV version he yells out “Special Beam Canon” again. I guess that’s going to be the norm.
Here is how it played out in the uncut version…

And here is how it looked in the TV Version…

So yea, some things here and there. Some blood edits, some edits for content. Some scenes are just placed in different areas.
They both land on the ground, minutes away from death. All the blood on Goku and Raditz’s face and body are edited out during these scenes along with some dialogue…

Piccolo then tells Raditz that they’ll have the last laugh and goes into great detail about what the DragonBalls are and what you have to do in order to grant a wish…

And Raditz is all like yea, I got friends home slice… (there are two images to fit the whole line, I’m more consistent later on, mostly after the Saiyan saga the format will have the same look until the end, no more font changes or image format changes. Sorry about these early episodes)

And Piccolo is all like BAM! Your dead!

Next, we see the Saiyans Raditz was talking about. In the original version Vegeta starts off biting some meat off that leg he’s been eating. But in the TV version it’s cut out, it just starts right after he bites it off.

Back on Earth, we see Goku about to die… 

Goku dies as Krillin is talking to him. Now, in the TV version we don’t  see any shots of Goku after he closes his eyes and dies. This actually interferes with a line of dialogue that just so happens to get cut out because of this. What happens is Krillin tells Goku that they’re gonna get the DragonBalls and wish him back. Goku, faintly seas “sounds…. (Goku closes his eyes and says) … good (then he dies). So because we don’t see anything past Goku closing his eyes Goku only says “sounds….”. I guess this works… as it implies Goku actually did die without showing him dying or it could just be a sloppy edit. Either way, I wouldn’t wanna be the tiger.

The first shot of Goku with his eyes closed…

And the second shot…

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