Episode 36: Frieza Closes In! Mighty Porunga Grant Our Wish!

The Dragon has been summoned. Dende explains…

Side note: In both versions, a few shots later Porunga refers to himself as “The Maker Of Dreams”.

Dende reminds Krillin that time is not on their side, Krillin responds…

The Dragon refuses this wish due to only being powerful enough to bring back one person at a time. Krillin says to Gohan…

A few shots later, Krillin yells…

Piccolo comes up with a plan. He tells Gohan to wish him back which in turn would resurrect Kami as a result, the Earth Dragon Balls would also return. Piccolo adds…

He continues on, telling Gohan he’s eager for battle…

Now a plan is formed. Krillin now tells Dende the first new wish…

Meanwhile, Vegeta wakes up from his nap, sensing Freeza’s ensuing arrival. He runs out of the room and thinks to himself…

Vegeta runs outside and pretty much gathers what’s going down. There are a few dialogue edits in between Vegeta’s lines…

As Piccolo get’s wished back, he screams out…

As Piccolo vanishes from King Kai’s planet, mad that he broke his promise to fight Freeza, King Kai calls him a “miserable fool”. This was cut from the TV version.

As the second wish is granted, Vegeta arrives on the scene. As Vegeta approaches Krillin, Gohan and Dende, he just spurts out insult after insult. This is cut in the TV version.

Side Note: Now, I know I mentioned before I don’t usually put the dialogue that was cut out for a scene into the image but, I already did it… again. So I guess if it’s this small or if I find it amusing, I’ll add it. I want everything to be consistent from beginning to end so, I didn’t know if I should have deleted the word bubble or what. So, lets just say the cut scenes may or may not have the word bubbles in them. Sort of like a little bonus, it might not always happen but when it does consider it a bonus. 😆

Vegeta then adds…

Gohan, for some odd reason, blurts out there is still one more wish yet to be granted. Vegeta demands Dende to tell the Dragon to grant him immortality. When Dende doesn’t go fast enough Vegeta reminds him what will happen if Freeza gets there before his wish is granted…

As Dende tells the Dragon the wish, he dies, turning the DragonBalls into stone and turning Vegeta into one pissed off Saiyan. A little bit of an odd edit here, as Vegeta grunts out of anger. The TV version and uncut version have two different grunts. I think I know why. In the uncut version it almost sounds like Vegeta is saying “shit…shit!” under his breath. I don’t actually think he’s saying it, but if your a little kid you have the tenancy to see that and show your friends that Vegeta just said “shit”, which in turn would probley make some parents mad. Bottom line. I don’t think it is, but I can understand this change. Here is video clip to judge for yourself.


Vegeta quickly adds…

As Vegeta approaches Krillin, Freeza appears! Freezing everyone with fear (oh, is that why they call him Freeza?). He asks them what happened to the Ginyu Force…

Freeza add’s that he’s never been so angry then he is right now. The following scene was shortened by 3 seconds to omit the first few words of Freeza’s lines…

Side not: Hmm, just realized, I never came up with a “shortened” default image or text type. Usually I just mention before the image that the scene was shortened by so many seconds.

Vegeta then, stupidly, provokes Freeza…

Freeza powers up and the episode ends there. Only three more episodes left for this wave of comparisons!

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