Episode 35: Goku’s Comeback! Call Fourth Porunga!

Note: All previous edits of blood on Ginyu and Goku carry over into this episode.

After the smoke clears from the blast that killed Jhees, Vegeta goes after Ginyu. Each hit is edited with some kind of flash. The third and fourth hit was a mix of both the white screen and original impact looking flash.

Vegeta then powers up and plans to finish the job…

To which Ginyu replies…

Ginyu blast his body switch blast at Vegeta, Goku seeing a chance to get his body back, jumps in font of the blast. Vegeta yells to Goku…

Ginyu, now back in his body, yells…

Gohan senses his dad is back to normal. At this point Gohan has some blood on his face from fighting Ginyu before Vegeta stepped in. The blood quickly goes away in the next scenes. Also notice the color of the tongue.

Ginyu says to himself “this is bad” and looks at his hand. The shot of the hand is edited out.

Vegeta goes after Ginyu yet again. He first punches him making him fly back…

Then there was a barrage of punches cut…

Then he bashes him towards the ground…

But hits him upward before even hitting the ground…

Then kicks him in the back…

Ginyu finally lands. As he looks up and laughs, Vegeta bashes his face into the dirt. In the TV version, the laugh is there but the hit is gone.

Then there is a shot of Goku talking about what Ginyu is doing, just injuring himself on purpose so that when he changes bodies with Vegeta it’s more affective. Then it goes back to Vegeta bashing on Ginyu some more which is shortened in the TV version. The TV version starts when Vegeta and Ginyu start talking.

After a small exchange of words, Vegeta grabs Ginyu’s horns and throws him upward. He yells to him…

Note: The line “fine by me” might seem out of place but it’s a response to what Ginyu had just said to him which was “I think that’s enough”.

While in the air, Ginyu executes his body switch attack. Goku throws a Namekian frog looking thing towards the beam with success. Ginyu has now switched bodies with a frog. When everything calms down, Vegeta says…

As Goku stands there helpless. Vegeta implies that he could take them all out in their current state. Krillin yells to him…

Eventually, Goku, Krillin and Gohan follow Vegeta into Freeza’s ship where Goku is put into a healing tank and Vegeta gives Krillin and Gohan some armor. Krillin asks Vegeta why can’t he have armor like his, without the shoulder wings. Vegeta replies…

A plan is formed. Krillin is going to go back to the Grand Elders place, get Dende and come back to summon the Dragon.

Meanwhile, Nail is still fighting Freeza. There is a pan up shot of Nail breathing heavily, this was altered in the TV version. Instead of Nail having the animation of breathing heavy, just his mouth his moving in the TV version. Odd choice but, earlier when I was watching this, I tweeted this screen shot and KaiserNeko explained it was probably so that they wouldn’t have to edit blood on a moving body. The arrow in the image points out the cropped area.

Freeza starts questioning Nail about why he can’t just tell him how to summon the Dragon.

Freeza then bashes him right in the face, the punch is edited with a flash, while the shot of Nail falling back is edited for blood. I don’t know why they didn’t just edit the fall back out.

While laying on the floor, Freeza gives him one last chance to tell him…

Nail then tells Freeza that the Earthlings probably already made their wish. Freeza flies off leaving Nail to die.

Then surprisingly there are no more edits in this episode even though there is still 15 minutes left. The rest of the episode though, is just Krillin finding Dende and eventually calling the Dragon with Gohan.

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