Episode 34: Surprise! Goku is Ginyu and Ginyu is Goku?!

Note: The editing of blue blood to purple blood on Ginyu’s body, is carried over into this episode. Also carried over is the blood edits on Vegeta’s face.

The first edit comes as Vegeta arrives at Freeza’s ship. The Wilhelm scream was taken out of the TV version for whatever reason. I don’t know who did the TV version scream but there is a screen shot of the additional voices – voice actors below. One of those people should be the screamer.

Meanwhile Goku is struggling to fly, trying to find Krillin and Gohan while in Ginyu’s body. There was a close up shot of the wound that was cut out…

Elsewhere, Vegeta is inside Freeza’s ship, cleans his face and freshens up. As he looks at himself in the mirror, he mentions that the medicine Goku gave him (the Senzu bean), was pretty incredible…

As Krillin and Gohan get arrive at Freeza’s ship they discover the DragonBalls are outside. Vegeta hides outside in preparation for when Shenron appears. After seeing the horrible job Ginyu did at hiding the Balls, the scene is cut in the TV version, he says to himself…

Note: I know I don’t usually write the dialogue in the cut scenes but, I did it and then realized what I did so, just think of it as a little added bonus.

After a cut back to Krillin and Gohan, we come back to Vegeta who is still pretty impatient about the Dragon coming out. This scene was shortened by about 4 seconds to omit this line before continuing on, which is where the TV version starts off…

After Krillin fails at summoning the Dragon, Vegeta says to himself…

As Krillin and Gohan try to think of different ways to ask the Dragon to come out, Vegeta looks on. This line was just taken out of the TV version. The scene is there, Vegeta is just silent.

Ginyu (in Goku’s body) lands near Krillin and Gohan. Eventually it becomes clear this isn’t Goku. Ginyu slaps Krillin and it’s edited with a white flash. I should mention this particular flash is in the uncut version but it’s moved up a few frames to cover up the actual contact.

After the slap Krillin has some blood on his face but quickly wipes it off.

After Ginyu tells Krillin he’s switched bodies, Vegeta says…

As Ginyu attacks Krillin, Vegeta thinks to himself…

Eventually, Goku finally arrives, he tells Krillin and Gohan they can take Ginyu because he doesn’t know how to use his body. Ginyu yells back…

Ginyu powers up and realizes he’s not as powerful as he thought, Krillin tests this theory and bashes him ontop of his head, Ginyu yells…

Krillin exclaims…

Gohan and Krillin get the upper hand, there are a few seconds cut of them punching Goku in the stomach…

Then when they both kick him, it’s edited with a flash…

After these hits, Ginyu’s a bit bloody. This is edited…

Ginyu yells to Krillin while they fight, in the TV version this scene was shortened to omit “freak”.

As Krillin and Gohan fight Ginyu, Vegeta and Jheese are engaged in their own little battle. Vegeta tells Jheese he shouldn’t rely on his scouter, but then adds…

Jheese manages to get a shot in. The punch was cut instead of being flash edited…

At this point Vegeta has a little blood on his face…

Vegeta tells Jheese to look at his scouter (which is odd because he just told him not to trust it). Jheese reads Vegeta’s power level and is in shock, Vegeta tells him he’s on his way to becoming a Super Saiyan. Jheese says…

Without any way out Jheese starts blasting Vegeta. Vegeta punches him right in the face. Another punch being cut instead of edited with a flash. I’m guessing it’s because there are two views to the punch so adding a flash would probably look awkward.

Vegeta continues to beat on Jheese a little bit…

Then places his hand in front of Jheese’s face. In the TV version Jheese’s pleas are omitted.

Right before Vegeta blast him, there is a very quick cut. In the TV version we don’t actually see Jheese, just Vegeta putting his hand up to his face, then blast, so we assume Jheese was in that blast.

And the episode ends soon after that!

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