Episode 32: The Star Player Appears! Ginyu vs. Goku!

Before the episode starts there are some editing errors in the recap. The scene where Goku elbows Burta is shown totally intact. I love how the TV Y7-FV rating is right there on screen with it! 😆

And then the episode starts…

Note: The editing of Vegeta’s bloody face carries over to this episode, Gohan and Krillin no longer have blood on them to edit, and the editing of Reacoom’s ass is also carried over.

Within seconds Goku gives us our first edit…

Jheese looks down on his fallen friends and says…

With that, Jheese flies off. Vegeta then finishes the job Goku didn’t finish. The shot of Vegeta flying up and landing on Burta’s neck is cut out. In the TV version he just blasts Reacoom. In the TV version though, you can still hear Vegeta start to take off, pretty sloppy.

Goku tells Vegeta he didn’t have to worry about them anymore, Vegeta replies…

Vegeta goes on to say…

Vegeta tells the group that Freeza probably made his wish by now, Krillin explains the sky hasn’t turned black so Shenron hasn’t appeared. Vegeta yells…

Meanwhile, Jheese tells Ginyu about what just happened to the rest of the team, Ginyu starts off his response with…

After hearing the whole story, Ginyu thinks to himself…

Elsewhere Goku tries to come up with a plan and asks Vegeta how he should go about getting the DragonBalls from these guys. Vegeta asks Goku if he’s feeling squeamish about facing off with Freeza, Goku replies…

Just a little side note here: I always try to write the word bubbles as it’s actually being said. I noticed in the uncut version Goku says “got to” while in the TV version he says “gotta”. Nothing major, just pointing out why it’s different on each bubble.

As the gang senses Ginyu and Jheese heading their way, Vegeta asks where Freeza ran off too if he has all the DragonBalls? They sense Freeza near the Grand Elders place. Gohan, worried about the Grand Elder says…

Jheese points out Goku, Ginyu realizing his power level is being hidden says to Jheese…

Goku and company come up with a plan. Goku and Vegeta will fight Ginyu and Jheese while Krillin and Gohan find the DragonBalls. Vegeta has his own plans of finding the DragonBalls and flies off leaving Goku to fight Ginyu by himself.

Ginyu starts off the fight with an elbow to Goku’s face. This is edited with a flash…

The fight goes on, eventually Ginyu kicks Goku and it’s edited with a flash, but it really didn’t have to be. There was originally a white flash on the uncut version, there was no contact made. I don’t know why they chose to add one of those flashes to the already white flash. The shot below is of Goku right after the white flash, the Nicktoons flash edit replaces this shot of Goku flying back.

Another little side note, there are some shots in this fight that aren’t edited. I know I don’t usually post the shots that aren’t edited but in this case, it seems like an oddity and worth mentioning.

At this point in the fight, Goku has a little blood on his face, it only seems to be in this one scene though…

Also in the same shot, Goku says to himself…

Ginyu strikes a pose…

As Goku and Ginyu fly upward, Jheese throws an energy blast at Goku giving Ginyu an opening. Jheese yells to Ginyu…

Goku starts to power up, showing off his power and the episode ends there.

In the next episode preview there is a small edit. The scenes of Freeza ripping of Nail’s arm are replaced with Nail breathing heavily…

And that’s it for episode 32!

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