Episode 31: Goku Arrives at Last! Take Down the Ginyu Force!

A little bit of the episode starts before the opening and title screen….

As Goku lands he tries to pin point Gohan and Krillin. When he does the TV version shows a less brutal image of Gohan…

Goku then says to himself…

The episode starts soon after…

I should note that all the blood edits from the previous episode carry over to this one, along with Reacoom’s bare ass being edited.

As Goku lands at the battle field, Vegeta says to himself…

Goku walks over to Gohan, there is a close up shot that is edited in the TV version to look less violent. His pupils are now colored in…

Goku tries feeding Gohan a Senzu bean but it dosen’t work. Goku says…

Stunned by the quick recovery, Jheees says…

Goku walks over to Reacoom, Reacoom yells to Jheese and Burta…

After hearing Goku’s power level is only around 5,000 Reacoom says “Oh wait…” going on to say…

The TV version cuts the scene short which is why the TV version dialogue is shorter. This kind of edit happens a few times in this episode alone.

Reacoom lunges at Goku and yells…

The thing with this edit is, Reacoom says “Now feel the power of Reacoom!” right before he throws the punch. So in the TV version it sounds like he’s yelling out an attack called “Reacoom Punch”.

Goku seems to disappear and reappear behind Burta and Jhees. After seeing a sample of Goku’s speed, Reacoom says…

Reacoom powers up an attack, but this time Goku elbows him knocking him to the ground. There is a 2 second shot of Reacoom’s bare ass edited out…

Meanwhile Vegeta is pissed off about what’s happened to Goku, he thinks he’s become a Super Saiyan…

Goku yells to Burta and Jheese, giving them a chance to leave. Also, there appears to be an animation flaw…

Burta talks to Jheese a bit, this scene was also cut short for TV, omiting the rest of the original line…

Burta and Jheese fly back and forth past Goku, eventually landing right by him. At this point Goku punches Jheese right in the face. This, along with a some back and forth dialogue was edited out.

Right before Goku pushes Jheese and Burta back from a kiai, Burta says…

Getting annoyed at not being able to lay a finger on Goku, Burta says…

Meanwhile, Bulma is wondering what’s going on with Krillin and Gohan.

Burta and Jheese come up with a plan, Jheese will throw his Crusher Ball and when Goku moves out of the way Burta will attack. While the Crusher Ball is heading towards Goku, Burta yells out…

But instead of dodging, Goku deflects it. Goku appears behind Burta, there is a little dialogue back and forth, some of it was edited out. Mostly the second part of the conversation.

Burta starts hand to hand combat with Goku, seeing this, Jheese yells out…

Yea, that scene was also cut short a bit.

Proving to be way to fast for the two of them, Jheese and Burta accidentally hit each other…

Goku now goes on the attack, kicking Burta breaking his armor. He then elbows him, knocking him downward. The hit was edited with a flash and Burta’s reaction was cut all together…

Which is funny because in the next episode recap of this episode, this shot is in tact…

But, maybe I’m getting ahead of myself here, we’ll get to that in episode 32.

So Goku catches Burta right as he’s about to hit the ground. This is pretty much the same thing to Nappa but for some reason when he did it to Nappa it was cut out.

Goku throws Burta to the ground and the episode ends.

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