This episode was chock full of edits! It seemed like every time I turned the video back on after writing down the last edit, a new one would happen 2 seconds later! Well let’s start. 4 seconds into the episode we already have an edit, this should have been a foreshadowing of things to come.
While Ginyu is brining the Balls over to Freeza, he drops one and yells out…
Meanwhile the Ginyu Force is talking about who’s gonna get to fight the two runts. Krillin yells out…
(sorry for the sloppy word bubble on this one)
Then there is a quick pan, Guldo’s blood is removed but his headless body… that’s OK!
Vegeta starts to power up which seems to be out of nowhere, and charges Reacoom punching him in the face which is edited with a flash…
Vegeta then flies around and lands right on Reacoom’s stomach. This is edited out.
Right as Vegeta goes to pick Reacoom up and throw him into a mountain, there is a very sloppy edit in the TV version. There is still frame in the TV version that shows Vegeta on Reacoom’s stomach. It’s extremely quick and I don’t know why it’s in the place that it is. Like I said, it’s really quick, which is why there is so much macro blocking on this image…
So Vegeta throws him into a mountain, then throws a big blast at him. The dust settles and Reacoom is still alive. From here on out he is pretty bloody, which is of course edited. Odd choice, they chose to re-color it almost orange. I guess it’s better then removing all the blood anyway I guess…
Reacoom now goes on the attack, he charges at Vegeta kicking him right in the neck. This is edited with a flash.
As Vegeta flies back there is a tiny bit of blood coming out of his mouth. You can’t really see it because of the background but, despite that, it’s edited out.
Vegeta grabs onto a rock and flies towards Reacoom. They engage in some hand to hand combat. For some reason, the shots of Vegeta throwing punches are edited out, but the close-ups of Reacoom throwing punches are in tact. WHAT?!
As Vegeta and Reacoom are going at it Reacoom has a bit of dialogue that, for some crazy reason is edited out of the TV version.
After that line Reacoom yells out “Reacoom Elbow!!” and, as you might guess, bashes Vegeta with his elbow. This is not edited. Just thought I’d mention that being I wanted to put the line that connected to that omitted line.
Also, I should note, from this episode until even after he’s dead, every time you see Reacoom’s back side it’s edited to cover his ass from showing.
After getting knocked down, Vegeta shoots back up only to be kicked right back down again. This is edited with a flash. This time though, it’s just a white screen edit. Batman: The Animated Series uses this kind of edit all the time, along with a lot of other American based cartoons.
Eventually Reacoom grabs a hold of Vegeta and throws him right into the ground. After this point Vegeta is all bloody, which is obviously edited out for broadcast.
As Reacoom is holding Vegeta the Saiyan blasts Reacoom in the face. A few frames were omitted for the TV version. I don’t really know why, the outcome is the same in both versions, I guess it’s that initial firing into someone’s face thing…
When Reacoom gets up, he tells Vegeta…
To which Vegeta thinks to himself…
After a camera pan of Reacoom, Vegeta thinks to himself again…
Reacoom makes a crazy pose and yells to Vegeta…
Reacoom shoots his “Eraser Gun” at Vegeta, Krillin kicks Reacoom on the head while Gohan swoops Vegeta out of the way of the blast. When the dust settles, Vegeta is mad at Gohan for not attacking Reacoom…
When Reacoom gets up he asks Jheese and Burta if he could also take Krillin and Gohan. Jheese says…
With the OK from the remaining members of the Ginyu Force, Reacoom kicks Krillin with one really power full kick. Right as he does that there is a flash on screen of a reaction shot of Vegeta. I think this was a mistake somehow. The flash edits are usually a tad longer then the time Vegeta was shown. Regardless, the frames containing the initial kick to the face were replaced with Vegeta’s reaction shot.
After the kick and from here on out, Krillin has a tiny, tiny bit of blood on him, it’s edited…
Angered by what just happened, Gohan yells to Reacoom…
Side note: all these edits so far and it’s only been the first half of the show!
When we come back from the commercial break, Gohan is powering up and attacks Reacoom. This had little effect on him and Reacoom karate chops Gohan, which is edited with a flash.
Before landing Gohan flies through some rocks. They took this out out of the TV version…
Reacoom continues to have some fun with Gohan. This particular shot was edited with a flash…
While two seconds with other shots of Gohan getting his ass beat were omitted all together…
When Gohan gets up this time, he’s all bloody…
Reacoom eventually gives Gohan one final blow and breaks his neck. Of course this was edited out to look as if the kick just knocked Gohan out. The actual kick, the zoom out of Gohan’s reaction along with everyone else’s reaction is cut out…
Once Gohan flies back there is another edit of his body bouncing onto the ground…
Jheese reads Gohan’s power level at 0. Burta replies…
While Vegeta is talking about how bad this whole situation has gotten ,there is a pretty brutal shot of Gohan laying on the floor. The shot was replaced with a later shot of Reacoom looking at Goku’s space ship land…
Soon after, everyone hears a space ship in the sky… and with that, thank God, the episode ends! OH MY GOD!