Episode 19: A Powerfull New Foe! Freeza Ruler of the Universe!

As the episode starts, Bulma, Krillin and Gohan are flying through space in Kami’s ship. At some point during the first scenes Bulma grabs a Beer. No surprise here, every time we see that beer the word “beer” is omitted. Mmmm, space beer…

Soon after Bulma complains about how she does everything, she gets no respect and that a delicate flower, a busy delicate flower. Krillin responds…

A little while later, Bulma asks Krillin what he thinks happened to Vegeta after he flew off. Krillin says Vegeta was so hurt, he couldn’t have gotten far, then adds…

Yea, I don’t know why they needed to change that. There is like… no reason at all!

A little while later we see Vegeta getting healed. As he steps out of the healing tank, the Nicktoons version zoomed in a bit to cut his ass out of the shot.

The next frame though, they added some really badly drawn boxer shorts… or something…

As the Dr. is talking to Vegeta, he mentions that Cui wants a word with him. Vegeta resounds…

As Vegeta walks out of the room, contemplating what his next course of action is, he comes across Cui…

Cui goes on to tell Vegeta that Freeza isn’t happy with him running off to find the DragonBall without his permission. Cui then mentions that Freeza is looking for the DragonBalls as well. Vegeta thinks…

Cui pretty much tells Vegeta he was careless to think Freeza wouldn’t have found out. I don’t really know if that Namekian line works, seems kinda… out of place?

Vegeta then runs out, yelling back to him…

The next edits come in the second half of the episode. When we return from the commercial break, we see what Goku is up to in the hospital. A nurse goes into Goku’s room and tells him he can’t keep doing push ups in his condition. The next 31 seconds where cut. It was just Roshi flirting with the nurse. Nothing really major.

Sometime after, the Dr. comes into the room. This is where the TV version picks up. The Doctor tells Roshi and the nurse to help Goku onto the bed.

The nurse laughs at the “happy hands” comment but, since the flirting was cut out of the TV version, this scene too is omitted…

After this scene, we see Bulma, Krillin and Gohan have finally made it to Planet Namek! After they land, Gohan and Krillin go out of the spacecraft before Bulma could check the air quality. Bulma pops up behind them and yells…

Soon after, Vegeta also lands on Planet Namek. Soon after, he uses his scouter to locate Freeza. He finds Dodoria and Zarbon are with him as well…

During the next scene, we see a village that has already been attacked and Freeza’s henchmen brining a DragonBall to him. There is a shot of a dead Namekian. In the TV version the blood is taken out but, it’s kinda awkward because originally the blood was pouring out of the body. So in the TV version it just seems they left the frame on the dead Namekian for too long because, well, there is no blood pouring out. It just looks like a still frame.

Amd that’s it for this episode.

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