Episode 18: The Ship Resting in Yunzabit! Blast Off to Planet Namek!

As the episode starts, we see our heroes in the hospital. Mostly every shot of Goku in this episode has been edited to cover up some blood.

The next edit comes after everyone is talking about how well they fought. After Krillin makes fun of Yajirobe, Ox King chimes in and says…

Then nothing is edited for a while. The next edit comes in the second half of the episode. When Bulma and Krillin are talking about going to Namek, Gohan says he wants to go, he mentions…

Chi-Chi, not happy with this, dismisses it and yells at Gohan about all the school work he’s going to miss. Gohan yells out…

Then goes into this speech about why he has to go…

There were no edits after that. So, that’s it for this episode. 😀

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