Episode 93: Unleash the Warrior Within! Gohan Takes the Offensive!

As the episode begins, Gohan seems ready for battle. The other warriors look on. There’s a shot of Goku here that was edited for blood…

Through out the whole episode Gohan has some blood on his face, this was of course edited. I mean by this point, don’t you just know every time you see “blood” it’s been edited? 😀

Gohan then snatches the bag of senzu beans from Cell. Gohan fly’s up toward where his friends are and chops the head off of a Cell Jr. The shot of the head actually detaching is edited out…

Goku looks up, telling himself he knew his son could do it. It’s the same shot that was shown before…

Gohan then zaps himself down to where Krillin is laying on the ground. One of the Cell Jr’s picks up Krillin and put his finger nails to his neck.

But, Gohan keeps on walking towards the Cell Jr. Then the little creature extends his finger nails…

Once again, Gohan is unfazed by this and raises his arm to ready a blast. The Cell Jr. raises Krillin a little higher in a reminder that if Gohan tries anything, his friend will die. Krillin tells Gohan not to worry about him, just take care of the Cell. Jr.

Gohan looks at them both. Krillin yells once again to just blast him. Gohan raises his hand, and aims at them both…

The Cell Jr. drops Krillin and fly’s up in the air and fires a blast Gohan. But, to the creatures surprise Gohan is behind him holding Krillin. Gohan zaps to the ridge where his friends are, drops Krillin off and starts to take care of the Cell. Jr’s one by one.

Piccolo and Goku look on in amazement, their blood edited of course…

Gohan seems to have no trouble fighting off the Cell Jr’s. He defeats them easily but, they don’t take it well and get up attack once again. This time Gohan makes sure they’re dead.

In the TV version Gohan seems to attack a Cell. Jr and they explode. In the uncut version though, it’s more of a violent death. Here are the screen shots of each Cell Jr’s deaths. Each one of these edits range from a little under one second, to three seconds long.

The other Cell. Jr’s deaths were shown as is so there was no need for screen shots for those.

As the last Cell Jr. explodes. Gohan crushes one of their arms laying on the floor…

With the Cell Jr’s out of the way and his friends being healed, Gohan can now concentrate on Cell. There is a shot of Gohan’s face right before attacking Cell that was edited out…

And so, Gohan fly’s towards Cell only to be have seemingly gone right through him. This shot, for some reason was edited out of the TV version…

As the two go at it, the journalist continues his commentary even without a microphone or a camera…

The World is eager to watch, but without a camera nothing is getting shown on TV…

Back at the battlefeield, Mr. Satan looks down at Gohan and says to himself…

As Cell ready’s a punch, he yells to Gohan…

But of course, Gohan is dodging everything Cell is throwing at him. Gohan moves Mr.Satan’s students away from the battlefield, and the episode ends soon after.

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