Episode 92: Tears for An Android! Gohan’s Inner Rage Burst Forth!

As the episode starts, Android 16 is ready to explode but, for some reason he doesn’t. Krillin yells to him that his bomb was removed. Meanwhile Roshi and Bulma are watching the events unfold on TV. Bulma tells Roshi of what went on during the re-programing of Android 16. In the flashback Dr. Briefs cigarette is omitted…

With this news Cell tells Android 16…

Cell then blast Android 16 into pieces. The shot of Android 16 exploding is edited slightly so that the oil doesn’t look like blood…

As the android explodes there is a small blood edit during Goku’s reaction shot. Cell then walks over to Android 16’s head and tells him he’s a failure. This was cut out of the TV version…

After kicking Android 16’s head, there is a small blood edit on Gohan’s face. I should note – whenever Gohan is shown in this episode his face is edited for blood. I can’t get every screen shot of it but, I will get some.

Vegeta looking on yells to himself…

Gohan looks on…

Cell spits 7 strange things from the end of his tail. Vegeta yells…

Cell has sprouted 7 Cell Jr’s. He tells them that those 7 on the mountain are their enemy…

Gohan looks on at the Cell Jr’s attacking his friends…

Meanwhile the journalist asks Mr. Satan if he’ll be fighting the Cell. Jr’s as well. He says he has a stomachache and goes on about how bad the pain is. Some Mr. Satan’s rant is cut out…

One of the Cell Jr’s knees Krillin right in the back. This, along with Krillins reaction shot was cut out…

There’s then a reaction shot from Gohan with a small blood edit…

Tienshinhann is also having a hard time with one of the Cell Jr’s…

One of the Cell Jr. then starts kicking Krillin…

Gohan continues to look on…

One of the Cell Jr’s then kicks Goku in his stomach. His reaction shot is edited out…

Gohan continues to look on and says to himself…

The Journalist thinks it’s time to leave. But Mr. Satan wants to stay… well first he wants to go to the hospital to check out his stomachache so that he can fight. His students can’t belive it and ask “really?” to which Mr. Satan replies…

Just as Mr. Satan walks away, Android 16 calls to them and ask Mr. Satan to please get him to Gohan. He tells Mr.Satan that if he still has time to play the part of the World Champion. The Journalist yells to the Android’s head…

Mr. Satan agrees. The Journalist yells to him that he’ll be killed. Mr. Satan tells him to shut up and goes on to say that if he doesn’t do this, he’ll be a laughing stock. The part where Mr.Satan tells the journalist to shut up is cut out…

Back on the battlefield. Goku is getting punched in the face repeatedly. This was shortened just a tad in the TV version…

Cell yells to his spawn…

Soon after, Mr. Satan chucks Android 16’s head right in Gohan’s view. Mr. Satan ducks behind a rock and says to himself…

The Android goes on to tell Gohan that there are some foes that can’t be reasoned with, seize your anger and let it go. Cell walks over to the Androids head and places his foot on his head and mocks Gohan for a bit. This was cut out of the TV version…

Cell then smashes the Androids head. This was also cut out of the TV version…

His oil splashes on the ground. This was omitted in the TV version. So that it’s not confused with blood…

So, yea. If you’re just watching this on TV you might be a little confused as to what just happened. All you see in the TV version is Cell’s shadow coming over Android 16’s head and then the next scene shows those little computer chips and pieces landing on the ground.

Gohan seems to be in his own world for a moment…

There is a brief shot of Android 16’s crushed head right before Gohan loses it…

As Gohan screams everyone seems to look over. Piccolo and Goku’s reaction shots are edited for blood…

The episode ends soon after.

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