Episode 89: Battle at the Highest Level! Goku Goes All Out!

As the episode starts, Goku and Cell are still going at it. Cell starts pounding on Goku’s face for a few seconds, this WAS shown in the TV version but was shortened…

Goku manages to knee Cell in the gut. For some reason the reaction shot of Cell was removed…

Cell manages to recover extremely quickly and punches Goku in the face. The actual shot of the punch making contact was edited out…

The two stop fighting for a moment and Cell starts talking to Goku. There is a very small amount of blood on Goku’s face in this scene that was removed…

Soon after, Goku and Cell go at it again. Everyone is trying to follow the fight but they’re just moving too quick. There was a strange cut here were Miss Pizza says “They’re flying!”. This was edited out, but for some reason the dialogue made it into the show as the journalist was talking in the next scene…

As the battle goes on, Cell decides to do away with the “out of bounds” rule and blows up the ring. Cell tells Goku…

As the two exchange blows there was one scene here that was shorted just a tad. It was one of those scenes where you just see the fighters throwing and taking punches. It goes really fast so you might not even recognize this shot unless you played it frame by frame…

Soon, Goku lands a punch to Cell’s face. This punch was in the TV version but the few frames that show the fist actually making contact with Cell’s face was edited out…

A few moments later, Goku fly’s up into the air and ready’s a Ka-Me-Ha-Me-Ha. At the last moment he uses instant transmission and fires at Cell at point blank range. The shot of Cell’s body being blown away was edited out…

As the smoke is clearing, there is a pan shot that was shortened to edit out Cell’s damaged body…

A few moments later, another shot of Cell’s damaged body is edited out…

As the journalist declares Cell defeated to the people of the World, someone in the crowed asks…

Soon, Cell pops up and re-grows his upper half. The journalist says to the people of the World…

Cell explains to Goku that he was able to regenerate his body thanks to Piccolo’s cells. Piccolo says to himself…

With Cell back, the two go at it again. Here we have the biggest edit in all of the DBZK series on Nicktoons. For some reason they cut out 1 minute and 8 seconds. And it’s not just fighting in this cut, there was a scene during this cut where Bulma shows up to Kame House with baby Trunks. I’m pretty sure most of this was cut for time.

Now, this is where the edits get confusing. As we come back from the huge cut, Goku and Cell continue to fight and there are a bunch of tiny cuts here and there. It would be really bothersome to explain where each cut went because they would cut less than one second then go back to the fighting, cut another millisecond, go back to fighting and so on. But they’re all in the same general scene so I’m just gonna throw them out there…

The episode ends soon after.

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