Episode 90: The Opening Round is Concluded! Goku’s Moment of Decision!

As the episode begins, Goku continues his onslaught of blasts towards Cell. Krillin yells to Goku…

Unfortunately, it had little affect on Cell. Goku is now worn out from everything he’s put out during this fight. Cell suggest Goku eat a senzu bean…

With this, Goku declares himself beat. He gives up. There are two shots of Cell here that for some reason have blood. There was no blood before so why now? Well, if doesn’t matter. They’re edited out in the TV version…

Goku let’s Cell know that the Cell Games aren’t over yet. He knows someone who can beat him. Goku continues on…

Before Goku can name the person who will defeat Cell, Mr. Satan is convinced the name Goku is about to say is his own. Mr. Satan tells Miss Pizza to go over to Goku and tell him he has a stomachache and that he can’t fight. For some reason the lines in Miss Pizza’s crotch are removed. Hmm, interesting edit…

As Goku calls out his son, Gohan. There is a blood edit in the TV version. Again, there wasn’t blood before, but for some reason now there is…

Piccolo says to himself…

As Cell takes this all in, there is a blood edit…

As Goku looks up to Gohan, we have another blood edit…

Goku fly’s up to the rock where his son is, the blood edit is still present…

As Gohan fly’s down towards Cell. Goku asks Krillin if there are any senzu beans left. A very odd edit occurs here…

Krillin gives Goku the bean. Goku then throws it to Cell, Krillin yells…

Also during this little bit, Goku has his blood edited once again…

Gohan powers up and shocks everyone except Goku who knows just how strong Gohan is. As Goku looks on there is again, another blood edit…

Things look pretty good for Gohan until Cell shows him his “true speed”. Cell grabs Gohan and starts punching him in the face repeatedly. This was edited out of the TV version…

In the next shot we see Cell still punching Gohan in the face and body. This view of Gohan being punched in the face was actually in the TV version but this shot was shortened a bit. Because of this, the frames of animation showing Gohan getting punched in his upper body were edited out…

We then see a reaction shot from the warriors watching this from below. There was another piece of recycled animation here of Cell punching Gohan in the face. This too was shortened. This time 2 seconds where cut. I don’t have the screen shot for that, sorry. I should mention though, this time around the shot of Cell punching Gohan in his upper body did make it to TV.

Cell grows tired of beating up on Gohan and kicks him into the ground. When Gohan get’s up he wipes away the blood on his mouth. In the TV version however, he wipes away… uh, milk?

Goku looks down at Gohan and again, the blood on Goku’s face is edited…

The episode ends soon after.

In the next episode preview we have a strange editing error. There is a shot of Gohan’s head being stepped on by Cell. But it’s actually not in the next episode because it’s edited out! I find it odd because it’s already edited for blood which means this might have been a last minute decision. It’s common that some scenes in the TV version’s next episode preview be a little different due to deleted scenes. But here, we can see the blood is edited so it might have been intended to be shown on TV at one point. Since I’m not sure what happened here I added a “?” to the end of “Editing Error” instead of my usual “!”. 😀

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